
Divorce and Separation

On the Holmes and Rahe scale, divorce and separation is listed as the second most stressful event that a person can experience in life, slightly behind the death of a spouse. With the divorce rate currently over 50%, many couples will reach a point where they need to consider making this change, however impactful, in order to support their own emotional health and the happiness and well-being of their families and children.

At Life Changes Group, we understand how difficult and painful these changes are to make on your own. Our clinicians are trained in providing the necessary skills and resources to manage the stress around marital discord and to guide the process toward a safe and amicable outcome. In addition, when ready to move forward, our therapists help to reestablish personal interests, connect with passions, and develop the type of life and relationships that had been unreachable for so long. Our focus is on finding you again, and helping you to re-emerge from this experience with strength, hope, and confidence.

If you are looking for support, please contact us at (617) 354-4450 or complete our brief online intake form. We are here to help.